Metrohm 719 S Titrino User Manual
Page 82
3.2. Remote control commands
719 S Titrino
78 Mode.Parameter.SET1.Stop.Type drift, time
Mode.Parameter.SET1.Stop.Drift 1...20...999
Mode.Parameter.SET1.Stop.Time 0...10...999, inf
Mode.Parameter.SET1.Stop.StopT 0...99
999, OFF
Parameters for SET: Type and size of the stop criterion of the titration.
.Type: Type of stop criterion after stop drift or switch-off delay time.
.Drift: Stop drift in µL/min. Applies when "drift" has been selected.
.Time: Switch-off delay time in s. Applies when "time" has been selected. "inf"
means infinite.
.StopT: Stop time in s. Applies when "time" has been selected and the value of
.Time is set to "inf.". Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.Direction +,
-, auto
Parameters for SET: Titration direction.
"auto" means the titration direction is determined automatically by the instru-
ment. If 2 EP's have been set in a SET titration, the titration direction is given
by the two EP's. The entry of the titration direction is then invalid. Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.XPause
0...999 999
Parameter for SET: Pause time 1 in s. Is waited off before the dispensing of
the start volume. Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.StartV.Type abs.,
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.StartV.V 0...999.99
0...±999 999
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.StartV.Rate 0.01...150, max.
Parameters for SET: Start volume.
If an absolute start volume (abs.) has been selected, the volume in mL is
A relative start volume (rel.) is dispensed as a function of the sample size:
Start volume in mL = smpl size
The factor is valid.
The dispensing rate in mL/min applies to both cases. Max. means maximum
possible dispensing rate with the Exchange Unit in current use. Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.Pause
0...999 999
Parameter for SET: Pause time 2 in s. Is waited off after the dispensing of the
start volume. Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.ExtrT
0...999 999
Parameter for SET: Extraction time in s. Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.MeasInput
1, 2, diff.
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.Ipol -127...1...+127
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.Upol -1270...400...+1270
Mode.Parameter.TitrPara.PolElectrTest ON, OFF
Parameters for SET: