4 "p+m_val – Metrohm 719 S Titrino User Manual

Page 140

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6.3. User methods

719 S Titrino


6.3.4 "p+m_Val"

Determination of the acid capacity, resp.


A 8.2

and pK

A 4.3

of water and waste water.

The p-value represents the amount of acid to

be added to reach the pH value 8.2 (color

change of phenolphthalein).

The m-value represents the amount of acid to

be added to reach the pH value 4.3 (color

change of methyl orange).


Combined pH-glass electrode 6.0232.100 at

measuring input 1.


c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L


25 mL water


DIN 38 409, part 7 (1979)


When working without carbonate addition, set

the calculation variable C02 to 0 (key


C03 has to be 1 for sample size 100 mL (in-

stead of 25 mL).

This method can easily be modified to match

the particular specifications of each country,

e.g. the specified pH value may vary slightly.

– Results in mmol/L

– Concentration of titrant * 10

– Amount of carbonate addition in mmol

– Factor for 100 mL sample

– Titer c(HCl) = 0.1 mol/L


719 S Titrino 18200 719.0021

date 2002-03-13 time 12:49 0

SET pH p+m_Val



EP at pH 8.20

dynamics 2

max.rate 5 ml/min

min.rate 5 µl/min

stop crit: drift

stop drift 20 µl/min


EP at pH 4.30

dynamics 3

max.rate 5 ml/min

min.rate 5 µl/min

stop crit: drift

stop drift 20 µl/min

>titration parameters

titr.direction: auto

pause 1 0 s

start V: OFF

pause 2 0 s

extr.time 0 s

meas.input: 1

temperature 25.0 °C

>stop conditions

stop V: abs.

stop V 99.99 ml

filling rate max. ml/min


status: ON

mean n= 3 original


conditioning: OFF

req.ident: OFF

req.smpl size: OFF

activate pulse: OFF



719 S Titrino 18200 719.0021

date 2002-03-13 time 12:49 0

SET pH p+m_Val


p value=(EP1*C36*C01-C02)*C03;2;

m value=(EP2*C36*C01-C02)*C03;2;

C01= 1.00

C02= 1.0

C03= 4

C36= 0.0



719 S Titrino 18200 719.0021

date 2002-03-13 time 12:49

SET pH p+m_Val



p value=(EP1*C36*C01-C02)*C03

RS1 text p value

RS1 decimal places 2

RS1 unit:

m value=(EP2*C36*C01-C02)*C03

RS2 text m value

RS2 decimal places 2

RS2 unit:

>common variables




