Metrohm 719 S Titrino User Manual

Page 34

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2.7. Parameters, key

719 S Titrino


Titration sequence of SET

After the start, the activate pulse is outputted.

The start delay time is waited off.

If conditioning is on, the sample solution is titrated until

the (first) EP is reached. The display shows then

drift OK 2.3 µl/min


SET pH conditioning

The vessel is now conditioned. The titration can be started

with .

The sample identifications and the sample size are re-


The temperature is measured if a T sensor is connected.

Pause 1 is waited off, the start volume is dispensed, and

pause 2 waited off.

The titration to EP1, then to EP2 is executed. If the extrac-

tion time is not yet over when the EP's has been reached,

the titration will only be terminated after the extraction time

is over.

Calculations are carried out.

Data are outputted.

Conditioning is carried out.

(Activate pulse)

(Start delay)

(Request ident.)

(Request smpl size)

Data output




(Activate pulse)

(Start delay)

(Start conditions)

(Extraction time)

Titration with test of

stop criterion

(Stirrer OFF)