2 preparing the instrument and the accessories, Preparing the instrument and the accessories, Section .4.6.2 – Metrohm 743 Rancimat User Manual

Page 87

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4 Operation

743 Rancimat



Preparing emulsion fats

You can use water-soluble fats as pure substances and prepare them as

1 Weigh in the sample

Weigh in the sample.


As the water evaporates right at the beginning of the analysis and
is carried away by the air blown through, you have to use corre-
spondingly more sample material.

2 Mount foam barrier

Mount the foam barrier (see figure 5, page 14), as the samples
can significantly foam.


If the water-soluble fat samples are not immediately measured
out, you need to store the samples in a cool place and protec-
ted from light
; for storing the samples, they should be covered
over in their vessels with a nitrogen layer. This type of storage
does not provide complete protection against unintended and
uncontrolled changes in the oxidation stability, but represents a
usable preservation in many cases.

Alternatively you can melt out the emulsion fats (e.g. butter, margarine) at
a temperature, exceeding the melting point of these fats by 10 °C (i.e. at
approx. +50 °C), centrifuge them and pipette off the resultant oil phase.


Preparing the instrument and the accessories

The cleanliness of instrument and accessories is an indispensable prerequi-
site for reliable, reproducible and correct analysis results. Even the
slightest contamination could catalytically accelerate the oxidative decom-
position and lead to completely incorrect results. Therefore always observe
the instructions for use of measuring and reaction vessels in this section.