For operation of the suppressor m – Metrohm 820 IC Separation Center User Manual
Page 51
2.9 Separating columns and suppressor module
819 IC Detector / 820 IC Separation Center
48 PEEK capillary (6.1831.010)
to 818 IC Pump
49 Pulsation dampener (6.2620.150)
50 Column connection capillary
PEEK capillary 6.1831.010
57 Inlet capillary for detector block
fixed mounting
PEEK capillary, fixed mounting
L, PEEK, fixed mounting
62 Inlet capillary for injector
PEEK-Capillary 6.1831.010
fixed mounting
64 Suppressor inlet capillary for elu-
65 Suppressor inlet capillary for
66 Suppressor outlet capillary for
67 Suppressor outlet capillary for H
68 Suppressor inlet capillary for H
69 Suppressor outlet capillary for elu-
70 Suppressor module
71 Coupling (6.2744.040; PEEK)
1 Connect column to injector
Remove end caps from column 53
without column heating:
Screw inlet end of separating column 53 (note flow direction)
to column connection capillary 50 mounted on the injector.
with column heating:
Prepare column heating according to Section 2.9.2 and
screw column connection capillary 50 (see Fig. 20) with a
compression fitting to injection valve 51.
With precolumn:
Install precolumn according to the supplied leaflet between
inlet of the separating column and the injection valve.
2 Rinse column
Place a beaker beneath the column outlet.
Start 818 IC Pump in «IC Net» with suitable flow (see leaflet of
the column) and rinse column for ca. 10 min with eluent.
Stop 818 IC Pump.