Important, Figure 2.9 jumpers for buffer input wiring, Orange jumpers for buffer outputs – Rockwell Automation 1440-PK02-05M2 XM-720 Machine Monitor User Manual

Page 21

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Publication GMSI10-UM001C-EN-E - June 2011

Installing the XM-720 Machine Monitor 21


By default, both buffered outputs have been wired for a
positive bias transducer (accelerometer and powered
sensor). This means that orange jumper wires have been
supplied on the XM-120/121/122 terminal block between
terminals 5, 6, and 22 (see Figure 2.9).

Figure 2.9 Jumpers for buffer input wiring

If the transducer is not a positive bias transducer, follow
these guidelines:

For a non-contact sensor, remove the orange jumper

between terminals 5 and 6 (terminals 22 and 6 for
channel 2) and install it between terminals 5 and 21
(terminals 22 and 21 for channel 2).

For a non-bias sensor, such as a velocity sensor, remove

the orange jumper between terminals 5 and 6 (terminals
22 and 6 for channel 2).

Refer to Table 2.3 for details. Refer to the XM Users Guide
for more information about the XM-120/121/122 module.

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Orange jumpers for
buffer outputs

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