Rockwell Automation SA3100 Power Module Interface (PMI) Regulator User Manual

Page 40

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PMI Regulator

The Resolver & Drive I/O board contains circuitry to synchronize the reference
waveform to within 10 degrees of the returning waveforms. This synchronization
corrects for any phase shift which can occur between the reference and stator signal
(i.e., stator signals lagging the reference) and can increase as the cable length
increases. This is done automatically at power up after the PMI processor receives
the configuration data from the UDC module informing it that a resolver has been
selected for speed feedback.

The Resolver & Drive I/O board incorporates calibration procedures to adjust the gain
to the proper level and balance the sine/cosine waveforms. These procedures should
be initiated during initial system installation, if the resolver is replaced, or if the
resolver cabling is changed (e.g., the cable is lengthened, shortened, or a different
cable type is used). After the calibration procedures are performed, the gain and
balance values are sent, along with other feedback data, to the UDC module to be
stored for use at subsequent power ups. The values are stored in local tunables with
the reserved names RES_BAL% and RES_GAN%.

Note that Distributed Power Systems are designed to be used with the standard
resolvers described in Appendix B. The validity of the results of these calibration
procedures is not guaranteed if resolvers other than those described in Appendix B
are used.

Gain Calibration

The gain calibration is performed when the value stored in RES_GAN% equals zero
(i.e., at initial system start up or by setting the value to zero). This procedure may be
performed while the resolver is turning or stationary. Do not perform this procedure
while the minor loop is running (i.e., bit 0 of register 200/1200 is set) or a drive fault will
be generated (register 202/1202, bit 8). The procedure adjusts the gain to bring the
stator voltages to a nominal 11.8 VAC at the board’s input. The range of the gain
adjustment is 0-37 VAC at the rotor with a resolution of 0.15V. The nominal value is
26 VAC. When the gain calibration procedure is completed, bit 6 of UDC register
201/1201 will be set, and the gain value will be stored in RES_GAN%. Large gain
values (close to 255) may indicate a problem with the resolver wiring or connections.
Always check the value stored in RES_GAN% after the gain calibration procedure has
been completed.

Note that the resolver must be connected to the motor in order for this procedure to be
completed. If the system determines a maximum gain value (255) and detects a
broken wire (indicated by bit 8, register 202/1202) while attempting to tune the gain, it
will assume that a resolver is not connected. When the broken wire bit is cleared by
the operating system (indicating that a resolver has been connected), the gain
calibration will automatically re-start. If bit 6 of register 201/1201 is not set, then the
calibration procedure has not been completed.

Balance Calibration

The balance calibration procedure is initiated by setting UDC register 101/1101, bit 6
(RES_CAL@) after turning the drive on. It takes from a few seconds to one minute to
complete. This procedure must be performed while the resolver is rotating at one-half
base speed ( 5 RPM minimum speed; speed does not have to be constant). The
faster the resolver is turning, the faster the calibration procedure will be performed.
Balance calibration compensates for different cable lengths or characteristics. One
twisted-pair wire can yield more or less capacitance than another twisted-pair wire of
the same length. Therefore, one channel could have more or less voltage on it than
the other. If each stator has different capacitance on it, different response curves
result. These curves should be equal for optimum performance.