Rockwell Automation 1771-QDC, D17716.5.85(Passport) MNL. PLASTIC MOLDING MODULE User Manual
Page 196

tune closed-loop
pressure control
with an oscilloscope,
without an oscilloscope,
velocity control
with an oscilloscope,
without an oscilloscope,
tuning considerations for profiles
tuning considerations, for, profiles
pressure setpoints,
velocity setpoints,
tuning constants, initial,
valve-linearity procedures, for, plastication
screw RPM,
valve-linearity test procedures, for
injection pressure,
pack and hold pressure,
plastication backpressure,
valve-spanning procedures, for
injection pressure,
injection velocity,
pack and hold pressure,
plastication pressure,
plastication screw RPM,
velocity control limits,
velocity setpoints,
velocity units,
watchdog timer, preset, tuning,
watchdog timer preset,
blank copies,
clamp jog config values,
HDC initial config values,
HPC initial profile values,
INC initial config values,
IPC initial profile values,
PKC initial config values,
profile, PPC values,
QDC module parameters,
ram jog config values,
select output ranges,
sensor input ranges,
sensor-config values,
software travel limits,
Worksheets, for, I/O ranges,