Waters Dextro-Pak Cartridge User Manual

Care and use manual, Dextro-pak cartridge

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[ Care and Use ManUal ]

Dextro-Pak Cartridge



I. IntroduCtIon

II. Column CondItIonIng

III. solvent preparatIon

Iv. sample fIlterIng

v. test CondItIons

vI. Column effICIenCy

vII. CartrIdge lIfe

vIII. operatIng tIps

IX. Care & trobleshootIng proCedures

X. warranty

XI. orderIng InformatIon

deXtro-pak CartrIdge

I. Int roduCtIon

The Waters Dextro-Pak™ cartridge that you have purchased is an
8 mm x 100 mm cartridge packed with silica particles bonded
with octadecyl saline. The chemical and physical stability of this
reversed-phase packing material provides rapid, reliable sugar
analysis and minimal reaction with samples. The Dextro-Pak system
operates at ambient temperature an uses a pure water mobile phase.
It is particularly suited to the separation of:

Carbohydrate oligomers, such as starch hydrolysates

Relatively simple sugar mixtures

Sugar derivatives such as methyl glycosides and ethanol

Please take a few moments to read this manual carefully. Use these
procedures to ensure that you obtain quality results and take full
advantage of the features that your Waters cartridge offers.