Waters Protein-Pak HR Ion-Exchange Glass Columns User Manual
Care and use manual, Protein-pak hr ion-exchange glass columns

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Protein-Pak HR Ion-Exchanged Glass Columns
I. IntroduCtIon
II. InstallatIon
III. MobIle phase and saMple guIdelInes
IV. Care and MaIntenanCe
V. orderIng InforMatIon
VI. warranty and serVICe InforMatIon
proteIn-paK hr Ion-exChange glass ColuMns
I. IntroduCtIon
The Waters Protein-Pak™ High Resolution series of resin-based,
high-performance ion-exchange pre-packed glass columns provide high
resolution, excellent recovery, and high capacity. The range of column
configurations facilitates full scalability for chromatographic separation
of biomolecules such as proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids.
The Protein-Pak HR series packing materials are available in-four
1. Protein-Pak DEAE - weak anion exchanger
2. Protein-Pak Q - strong anion exchanger
3. Protein-Pak SP - strong cation exchanger
4. Protein-Pak CM - weak cation exchanger
The packing materials are available in nominal particle diameters of
8 and 15 µm. These materials are shipped in pre-packed Advanced
Purification (AP) glass columns* (8HR and 15HR) to meet any
analytical and preparative need. This availability of different particle
sizes and different column configurations packed with identical
chemistry simplifies separation scale-up.
* For Advanced Purification Glass Columns Care and Use Manual, go to www.waters.com/chemcu.