Talos Security IPC311-W 720P Manual User Manual
Page 53

IP Camera User’s Manual
Click “Delete” and show the message, like Fig 72(a) and (c):
Click “OK” and back the list interface, or click “Cancel” and “Done” then back the main
interface like Fig 70.
Note: 1)
In the all operation steps, you could click “Done” to end up, cancel the operation and
back the last step.
2) You have to make sure there are video records, so that you could search the records;
if not, you cannot search it.
7.6.7 Saved Photos
The photos are the snap-shot when viewing the cameras which saved on the album. You also can
check and batch save and delete etc. The steps are the same as 7.6.6.
7.6.8 Switch Language
When you switch the language on your phone, the language of the application 当 will be changed
as well. For example, it’s switched to English on your phone, the language of the application will be
switched to English as well.
7.6.9 Video Remote
You can access the device recorded clips with the app and view the video clips. Select the right
device, channel and time then tap search, like Fig 73:
7.6.10 Real-Time Alarm
When any channel has any alarming info, the app will show up in the main interface, like Fig 74:
Fig 73 Fig 74