Line – 2N Lift8 v1.6.0 User Manual
Page 203

Complete the line parameters, select Active and save the new settings to activate a
new SIP line. This activates the Registration result and sends the registration packet.
The registration result is then displayed and the identification in the list changes from
No to Yes. See below for details.
Select/unselect Active to activate/deactivate the selected line. Enter the SIP Proxy
address into the SIP Server:Port field. The port is optional. If you set just the Proxy
address, the default port 5060 is used. If you choose another port, add this port behind
a colon. Enter the SIP Proxy address for login into the Registrar server parameter. The
port is optional. If you set just the Proxy address, the default port 5060 is used If you
choose another port, add this port behind a colon. Domain specifies Proxies within one
SIP server. Unless specified otherwise by your provider, the domain will be SIP or
Registrar server, yet without a port. See the figure above. Complete the Username for
your SIP Proxy server authentication and Password if the Proxy requires so.
Registration expires after is an optional parameter. The default value is 300 s, but
some servers may require a different value, which will not be changed. Set the Timeout
– DTMF in seconds: 120 s is the default value. If no DTMF arrives within this timeout
after answer, the call will be terminated. Registration result displays the SIP Proxy
registration result. If unsuccessful. the registration packet will be resent. This
parameter is updated automatically. When you click Save for confirmation, the
registration packet will be sent to the server immediately. If everything is OK, the
following message header will be displayed in the Registration result: "Registered,
Code: 200, OK". To deactivate an active line, select the line and unselect the Active
checkbox. Click Save to confirm the setting.
If in a state other than
, the Call Server rejects all calls coming
to it, i.e. does not receive or process any check calls.
at least to configure
SIP Server, Registrar server
a valid SIP line.
Contact your network administrator or VoIP provider for correct SIP line
If registration fails, you will find the error code (SIP error message) in the
Registration result. If your registration data are correct, contact your
network administrator.