2N Lift8 v1.6.0 User Manual
Page 149

PC COM port if you use a USB cable for connection, 'Current user' displays the currently
logged in user, 'FW version' specifies the current CU FW version and 'Serial number'
gives the CU serial number.
Upon login to the CU, the
keeps displayed to the right in the
Real-time device state
whole application. Hide and redisplay the window any time with the arrow in its left
upper corner (see below). The information is grouped logically:
Link properties
s the Link state (idle or calling) and Link type (PSTN, GSM or IP communication level in
the CU),
provides information on the GSM / UMTS network to which the
GSM network
SIM card is logged in such as Signal strength in the form of a clear scale and numerical
value in dBm, Operator (Provider) name and IP address assigned by the provider's APN
server to the SIM card if UMTS / GSM data transmission is allowed and configured. If
data flow is disallowed, incorrectly configured or not supported by the SIM, the address
will be
Maximum Application Display with Real-Time Device State
The SIM card section specifies the SIM card state and IMSI and ICCID identifiers. The
GSM Module section displays the GSM/UMTS module information: Module
manufacturer, Module type, Module FW version and IMEI.
is devoted to the
rechargeable batteries. State simply describes the current state of the batteries:
"Mains power, no battery" means that the CU is supplied from the mains, for example.
Voltage measures and displays the current battery voltage value in mV. If the value is
very low (hundreds of mV), the batteries are disconnected. Usable capacity specifies
the battery charging percentage. Age defines the maximum battery life and the age
counter has to be reset whenever new batteries are inserted. When the battery life is
exhausted, the CU reports an error and the batteries have to be changed. This helps
you find out how long your batteries have been used in the device. Current measures
the current flow through the batteries: either the charging current when the batteries
are being charged or discharging current when the CU is disconnected from the mains
and fed from the batteries.
If your CU is equipped with a VoIP module, the Real-time device state section displays
the relevant parameters; see the figure below. The section informs you of the line state
and type, IP module parameters, IP address or address obtained from the DHC server,
network mask, default gateway and DNS server. Finally, like with the GSM / UMTS