Apple QuickTime VR User Manual

Page 103

background image

Project Manager window 74

building 76, 77
getting started on 9
managing with Project Manager 73–77
planning 8


QTVR media

adding previously created media 64
compression and 93–96
maintaining different versions of 77
naming 74–75
system requirements for playing 1, 2
types of 7
updating 77

QTVR objects.

See objects

QTVR projects.

See projects

QTVR scenes.

See scenes

quality settings 20, 31, 69
QuickTime extension 1, 2, 71
QuickTime for Windows 2
QuickTime plug-in 2, 5, 9
QuickTime virtual reality.


QuickTime VR Authoring Studio

description of 5–14
installing 3
interface fundamentals 10
opening 60, 73, 74
package contents 2
quitting 22, 33, 48
setting preferences for 11–14, 75, 76
setting up 1, 3
system requirements for 1

QuickTime VR Authoring Studio CD 2, 3, 7
QuickTime VR components 2
QuickTime VR extension 1, 2, 71
Quit command 22, 33, 48


reference materials vii, viii
relative aliases 12
renaming panoramas 17, 27
renaming tile movies 17, 27
rotating images 17, 26, 42, 90
rotation arrows 17, 26, 42
“Rotation (degrees)” option 37
rows 40, 41, 90


saving tile movies 17
Scaleable settings 45
Scene List button 64
Scene Maker 59–72
Scene Maker Settings window 66
Scene Maker window 60

adjusting scene settings 68, 69
creating 8, 9
creating scene components 62–64
creating with Scene Maker 59–72
description of 7
processing 70
troubleshooting 88, 91

Search Range option 37
Select Application button 14
Select Nodes button 63
serial number 3
Set Dual Links button 65
setting up QuickTime VR Authoring Studio 1–3
Sharpen option 28
Show Copyright command 21, 31, 47
