Check valve / injector fitting, 4 installer supplied components - continued – Hale FoamLogix 6.5 User Manual
Page 71

FoamLogix 3.3 / 5.0 / 6.5 Installer / Operations Manual
p/n: 029-0021-68-0
Ins ta lle r Ins ta lla tion
Check Valve / Injector Fitting
The Hale check valve/
injector fitting, supplied
with the Hale FoamLogix
system, meets NFPA
requirements for a non-
return device in the foam
injection system. It pre-
vents back flow of water
into the foam concentrate
When properly installed
the brass and stainless
steel construction check
valve/injector fitting
ensures foam concen-
trate is injected into the
center of the water flow for better mixing. (See Figure 3-18: “Check Valve/
Injector Fitting Orientation.”)
Note: Always position the check valve/injector fitting at a horizontal or higher
angle to allow water to drain away from the fitting. This avoids sediment deposits
or the formation of an ice plug.
The check valve/injector fitting must be
mounted in a location that is common
to all discharges which require foam
concentrate. (See Figure 3-19: “Check
Valve / Injector Fitting Installation.”)
The Hale FoamLogix system DOES
NOT permit a separate injection point
for each foam capable discharge.
The check valve/injector fitting has 1”
NPT (25.4mm) threads on the outside,
to fit into the 1” NPT threaded connec-
tion on the Hale mini manifold, a pipe
tee, or a 1” NPT weld fitting installed in
the discharge piping of the fire pump.
(See Figure 3-19: “Check Valve / Injec-
tor Fitting Installation.”)
The inlet connection of the check
valve/injector fitting uses a 1/2” (13mm) NPT female threads.
Figure 3-18: Check Valve/Injector Fitting
Figure 3-19: Check Valve / Injector Fitting