8 illustrated parts breakdown, General, Abbreviations – Hale FoamLogix 6.5 User Manual
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FoamLogix 3.3 / 5.0 / 6.5 Installer / Operations Manual
p/n: 029-0021-68-0
Illus tr at ed Pa rts Br ea k down
Illustrated Parts Breakdown
This section contains the parts breakdown for the serviceable assemblies, components and most commonly
used options for the FoamLogix 3.3 / 5.0 and 6.5 Electronic Foam Proportioning System.
The following abbreviations may be used in this IPB:
A/R ...........As required
Cm ...........Centimeters
Cont. ........Continued
Dia. ..........Diameter
EMI ..........Electro-Magentic Interference
FNPT .......Fine National Pipe Thread
Fwd ..........Forward
Ga ............Gauge
Grd, Gr .....Grade – when hardware lists a grade
rating, it is imperative to maintain that
rating when replacing parts.
Hp, HP .....Horsepower
HS ............Hardened Steel
Hex ..........Hexagonal
Id, ID ........Inner diameter
IPB ...........Illustrated Parts Breakwown
JIC ...........Joint Industry Conference – an industry
standard used to describe a fitting.
Kw (kw) ....Killowatt
Lh, LH ......Left Hand
Max.......... Maximum
Min........... Minimum
MM .......... Millimeters
Mtg .......... Mounting
n/s............ Not Shown – parts that are not shown
but are servicable.
No............ Number
NFPA....... National Fire Protection Agency
NPT ......... National Pipe thread
NPTF ....... National Pipe Thread, Fine
OD ........... Outer diameter
p/n ........... Part number
Ref........... Reference
Rev .......... Reverse
Rh, RH..... Right hand
RFI........... Radio Frequency Interference
Str............ Straight – usually to describe a hy-draulic
or pneumatic fitting (vs. elbow)
Thru ......... Through
Typ. ......... Type