FUJITSU CentricStor V3.1D User Manual

Page 353

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Elements of the XTCC window

The operating status of an element is indicated by the color of the associated box, where
the following color key applies:




Malfunctioning, offline or not ready


Status unclear, some subcomponents are malfunctioning


Configuration error; the component is contained in the configuration
description, but the InfoBroker has not yet established contact with it

If the ISP contains numerous XTCC objects, its contents are displayed over several tab
sheets. The title of the tab sheet currently displayed is shown in the top right-hand corner.
Tab sheets are selected in the group display (see the

section “Group display” on page 356


The ISP peripherals are displayed outside the central field.

Connections between elements are represented by colored lines, purely for the purposes
of clarity.

If a connection is faulty in any way, this will be indicated by a broken line.

On the left side of the inner yellow field the particularly critical statuses of the ISP are shown
using icons. A yellow circle indicates an SNMP message, a circle with a wrench indicates
that the /usr file system is almost full (>95%) or is full (100%, symbol will flash with a red
background). The function menu of the ISP offers actions that can be used to handle the

The internal SCSI peripherals of the ISP can be addressed via the border of the symbol for
the ISP.

When you left-click on this margin, you select the
internal SCSI peripherals of the ISP. One important
example of these are internal RAID systems (see

page 411
