Internt display sammendrag av bruk – Nikon Laser User Manual

Page 74

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6. 『

』 Modus for prioritering av mål

A. Modus for prioritering av første mål

』 Viser når modus for prioritering av første mål er


B. Modus for prioritering av fjernt mål

』 Viser når modus for prioritering av fjernt mål er


7. Active Brightness Control Viewfinder

Active Brightness Control Viewfinder måler lysforholdene
på bakken hovedsakelig i visningsfeltet, og slår, når det er
nødvendig, automatisk på det oransje LED-lyset.
Lysstyrken på det oransje lyset justeres automatisk i henhold til

Selv om LCD-en ble produsert ved hjelp av den mest avanserte
teknologien, er det umulig å eliminere støvproblemet
fullstendig. Når du bruker dette produktet, forstørres LCD-en
mye ved hjelp av linsen i okularet, og det kan vise seg støv som
en feil. Det vil imidlertid ikke ha noen betydning for målingens

Forsiktig: Bruk av kontroller, justering eller utførelse

av prosedyrer på andre måter enn det som beskrives

her, kan føre til eksponering av farlig stråling.

1. Sett inn et batteri i batterirommet. (Se Skifte batterier)
2. Okularhette av gummi

Både brillebrukere og andre kan bruke denne avstandsmåleren

uten å feste okularhetten av gummi.

3. Diopterjustering

Juster diopteret slik at du får et klart bilde på LCD-skjermen.

Roter først diopterjusteringsringen mot urviseren til den

stopper helt opp. Slå deretter på strømmen for å aktivere LCD-

skjermen når du ser gjennom Nikon Laser 1000A S. Roter

diopterjusteringringen med urviseren til displayet kommer i


Hvis diopteret ikke justeres slik at det passer med ditt syn, vil du

kanskje ikke kunne fokusere klart på objektet.

4. Måle

Merk: Hvis du trykker på og holder på/av-knappen nede, vises alle

symboler i det interne LCD-panelet. Når du fjerner fingeren

fra på/av-knappen, vises den sist brukte innstillingen. (Hvis du

trykker kort på på/av-knappen og deretter fjerner fingeren, vil

LCD-panelet kanskje vise den sist brukte innstillingen uten å

vise alle symbolene. Dette er ikke en feilvisning eller et annet


Før du foretar en måling, må du kontrollere innstillingene, f.eks.

enhet, måling/visningsmodus og prioriteringsmodus.

: Se relevant modusdel i denne manualen for innstilling.

Internt display

Sammendrag av bruk


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.

1. Trykk på

-knappen for å slå på strømmen.

(Strømmen slås av 8 sekunder etter siste operasjon.)

Umiddelbart etter at strømmen

er slått på. (Initialiserer)


2. Sikt på målet.

Plasser målet i sentrum av retikkelen (trådkorset).


3. Trykk på

-knappen én gang for å starte enkeltmåling.




1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.

4. Etter målingen vises symbolet for avstand eller for mislykket måling

i 8 sekunder, deretter slås strømmen av. Hvis du trykker på

-knappen når strømmen er på (mens det interne displayet er aktivt,
starter en ny enkeltmåling.

Mislyktes i å måle

eller kan ikke måle


Måling oppover

Måling nedover

Viser den målte avstanden.