Interní displej provozní souhrn – Nikon Laser User Manual

Page 162

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6. 『

』 Režim priority cíle

A. Režim priority prvního cíle

』 Ukazuje, když je nastaven Režim priority prvního


B. Režim priority vzdáleného cíle

』 Ukazuje, když je nastaven Režim priority

vzdáleného cíle.

7. Hledáček s aktivní regulací jasu

Hledáček s aktivní regulací jasu zjišťuje světelné podmínky
v prostoru nad zemí především v zorném poli a pokud je to
nutné, automaticky zapne oranžové LED přisvícení.
Jas oranžového přisvícení se nastavuje automaticky podle
světelných podmínek.

I když byl LCD vyroben s pomocí nejpokročilejší technologie,
je nemožné zcela eliminovat prach. Když používáme tento
výrobek, je LCD zvětšena vysokým zvětšením čočky okuláru
a prach se může objevit jako vada. To však neovlivní přesnost

Používání ovládacích prvků nebo nastavení nebo

vykonávání postupů jinak, než jsou uvedeny v této

příručce, může mít za následek vystavení se

nebezpečnému záření

1. Instalujte baterii do komory baterií. (Viz "Výměna baterií")
2. Gumová očnice okuláru

Jak nositelé brýlí tak ti, kteří je nenosí, mohou užívat tento

dálkoměr bez připojení gumové očnice okuláru.

3. Dioptrické nastavení

Nastavte dioptrii pro získání jasného obrazu na LCD.

Nejdříve otáčejte kroužkem dioptrického nastavení proti směru

hodinových ručiček až se úplně zastaví. Potom zapněte napájení

pro aktivaci LCD, když se díváte přes Nikon Laser 1000A S. Otáčejte

kroužkem dioptrického nastavení ve směru hodinových ručiček až

se displej zaostří.

Pokud není dioptrie nastavena tak, aby odpovídala vašemu

zraku, možná nebudete schopen jasně zaostřit svůj předmět.

4. Měření

Poznámka: Stlačení a podržení tlačítka POWER (NAPÁJENÍ) způsobí

zobrazení všech symbolů na interním LCD panelu. Poté,

co odstraníte svůj prst z tlačítka POWER (NAPÁJENÍ), se

zobrazí poslední užité nastavení. (Pokud krátce stlačíte

tlačítko POWER (NAPÁJENÍ) a potom svůj prst odstraníte,

může LCD panel zobrazit posledně použité nastavení

bez zobrazení všech symbolů. To není porucha nebo jiný


Před měřením určitě potvrďte nastavení, jako jsou jednotka, režim

měření/zobrazování a prioritní režim.

: Viz příslušný oddíl režimu v této příručce pokud jde o nastavení.

Interní displej

Provozní souhrn


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.

1. Stiskněte tlačítko

pro zapnutí.

(Napájení se vypíná 8 sekund po poslední operaci.)

Okamžitě po zapnutí.


Pohotovostní režim

2. Zamiřte na cíl.

Umístěte cíl do středu nitkového kříže.

Zamíření na cíl

3. Stiskněte jednou tlačítko

, abyste zahájili jednotlivé měření.

【Jednotlivé měření】

Probíhá měření


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.

4. Po změření se na 8 sekund zobrazí ukazatel "distance" (vzdálenost)

nebo "fail to measure" (nezměřeno), potom se vypne napájení.

Pokud stiskněte během zapínání tlačítko

(při aktivním

vnitřním displeji), spustí se další jednotlivé měření.

Porucha měření

nebo neschopen

změřit vzdálenost.

Měření směrem


Měření směrem


Zobrazí naměřenou hodnotu.