Wind – DAVIS Energy EnviroMonitor: Console User Manual

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Energy EnviroMonitor Overview

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Energy EnviroMonitor Manual

Wind chill takes into account how the speed of the wind affects our perception
of the air temperature. The body warms up the air molecules which surround it
by transferring heat from the skin to the surrounding air. If the wind is com-
pletely still, this “insulating layer” of warm air molecules stays next to the
body, offering some protection from the cooler air molecules and limiting fur-
ther transfer of heat. When the wind is blowing, however, the warm air sur-
rounding the body is swept away. The faster the wind blows, the faster the heat
is carried away and the colder you feel.

• Current Outside Temperature (Alarm: High/Low)

• Current T-H Index (Alarm: High)

• Current Wind Chill (Alarm: Low)

• Current Inside Temperature (Alarm: High/Low)

• “Daily” High and Low Outside Temperature with time of occurrence (AutoClear)

• “Daily” High T/H Index with time of occurrence (AutoClear)

• “Daily” Low Wind Chill with time of occurrence (AutoClear)

• “Daily” High and Low Inside Temperature with time of occurrence (AutoClear)


The Energy EM measures wind speed, wind direction, and wind run. Wind run
is a measurement of the “amount” of wind which passes a given point (the ane-
mometer) during the measurement period. It is expressed as either “miles of
wind” or “kilometers of wind” and is determined by calculating the integral
(summation) of wind speed multiplied by the time of the measurement period.
For example, if the wind blew at an absolutely steady 10 MPH for 12 hours,
you would have 120 miles of wind run (speed x time = 10 MPH x 12 Hours =
120 miles). Wind speed changes over time, so wind run is calculated by adding
together (summing) the distance (speed x time) for every single speed and time
reading during the measurement period. In practice, however, the Energy EM
simply keeps count of the number of revolutions made by the wind cups dur-
ing the period and multiplies that number by a scale factor which gives a wind
run reading in either miles or kilometers.

• Current Wind Speed (Alarm: High)

• “Daily” Wind Run (Auto Clear)

• Average Daily Run during period

• Wind Direction (in compass rose only)

• High Wind Speed with direction of high and time of occurrence (AutoClear)