Source appliances tab – HP StoreOnce Backup User Manual

Page 65

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If the Target Appliance is on an HP 6500 or B6200 Backup system, enter the Data

VIF IP address of the required Service Set. See

How do I identify the IP address of a service

set? (page 61)



The default values for the Command and Data Protocol Port Numbers cannot be changed. If
replication needs to take place through a firewall, the network administrator must open (TCP)
ports 9387 (Command Protocol) and 9388 (Data Protocol).


Click Add Target Appliance.

To edit or remove a Target Appliance (administrators only)

Select the appliance and click Edit to edit the Appliance Name, IP address, and protocol port
details of the target appliance.

Select the appliance and click Delete to remove an appliance from the list of Target Appliances
available to that source.

Run Traceroute

Click Run Traceroute to verify the local appliance can communicate with the target appliance and
identify the number of hops and latency in the routing.

Source Appliances tab

This tab displays the details of all source appliances.

If the HP StoreOnce Backup system also has Replication Target libraries, there may be multiple
Source Appliances.


Source Appliances are appliances that have added the local appliance or Service Set

as a Target Appliance. Only Source Appliances currently connected to the Target Appliance are

The Source Appliances tab is not editable.

Table 16 Source appliance parameters

Source Appliance tab (no fields are editable).

The name of the Source Appliance.

Appliance Name

The product class of the appliance, such as HP B6200 or HP 4430.

Product Class

The IP address of the Source Appliance.

Appliance Address

The serial number of the Source Appliance.

Serial Number

Indicates whether the Source Appliance is available or not.


The amount of data stored on the Source Appliance.

User Data Stored

Shows the capacity of the Source Appliance.


Shows the amount of free space on the Source Appliance.

Free Space

Shows the software version of the Source Appliance.

Software Version

The day of the week and local time (in 24 hour time) of the system. The system time is set
using the CLI time commands; see the HP StoreOnce Backup System CLI Reference Guide
for details.

System Time

Any blackout windows that have been specified will be reflected in this weekly calendar.
During these times, the selected Source Appliance is not available for replication.

Blackout Windows

The throttling (bandwidth limiting) setting. See

“Bandwidth Limiting tab” (page 69)

for details.

Throttling (Kbps)

Partner Appliances (Replication)