HP StoreOnce Backup User Manual

Page 58

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Deduplication Enabled: Enables deduplication if the check box is selected (default); unselect
to create a non-deduplication share. Deduplication cannot be enabled or disabled once
the share is created.

Encryption Enabled: to enable Data at Rest Encryption for the new share, check this box.
This feature requires a special license. If the license is not installed, an information message
is displayed next to the check boxstating Not Licensed. See

“Security Features” (page 17)


“Licensing” (page 16)

for more information.

The Network Path is :/nas/.

The option to enable Write Protection should only be used to prevent further backup to the
share. If enabled, any backup jobs currently using that share will fail.


Set permissions. Select the share and display the Permissions tab. You may set the access
permissions for that share for each host in the list. Check the appropriate box: Read/Write
Access, Read-Only Access, or No Access. At this time, you also have the option to disable
two additional items:

Root Squash: By default, root_squash is enabled when NAS NFS stores are created. This
squashes the root permissions for the client so that it is not possible to access or create
files on the NFS server as root; the client always has non-root user permission. StoreOnce
3.9.0 introduced an option to allow users to disable NFS root_squash after a NFS store
has been created and gives a client permission to access or create files on the NFS share
as root user.


Unless “root” permission is required, do not disable root_squash (by

unticking the checkbox), as it can make the system insecure.

Secure Ports: By default, secure ports are enabled when NAS NFS shares are created.
By default you can connect on the port below 1024 for NFS (Privileged ports). Disabling
Secure Ports allows connection to the ports higher than 1024 for NFS.


Unless required to connect to ports higher than 1024, do not disable

Secure Ports.


NAS functions