HP Photosmart D5345 Printer User Manual
Page 147

landscape orientation 31
left arrow 6
legal paper
letter paper
13 x 18 cm photo paper 19
5 x 7 inch photo paper 19
A4 paper 18
envelopes 21
full-size paper 18
greeting cards 22
Hagaki 20
index cards 20
iron-on transfers 22
labels 22
legal paper 18
letter paper 18
postcards 20
transparencies 22
align print cartridges 61
check ink levels 59
clean print cartridges 62
print cartridges 53
replace print cartridges 54
self-test report 58
Standby/Off, set mode 66
incorrect 99
text or graphic cut off 100
media. See paper
memory cards
digital camera cannot
read 102
e-mail photos 51
error message 116
file unreadable 115
HP Photosmartcannot
read 103
insert 50
photos missing 115
print photos 48
save files to computer 50
share photos 51
slots 47
troubleshoot 102
ink supplies 67
print cartridges 67
out of paper 120
overheads, print 41
page order 40
choose 15
feed fails 94
incompatible types 17
jam 111, 120
jams 25, 71
load 17
misfeed 120
out of 120
recommended sizes for
printing 28
recommended types 15
size incorrect 121
specifications 137
tips 70
type incorrect 121
width incorrect 121
paper type 29
phone numbers, support 132
phone support 132
phone support period
period for support 133
photo paper
borderless 48
e-mail 51
edit 50, 51
ink sprays 102
missing 115
photo print cartridge 59
print borderless 35
print on photo paper 35
send using HP
share 51
poor fax printout quality 88, 89
portrait orientation 31
load 20
posters 43
preview print job 32
2 or 4 pages on 1 39
addresses 42
blank printout 101
booklet 38
borderless fails 95
borderless photos 35
both sides of page 37
cancel job 44
CD/DVD labels 36
correct order 40
distorted printout 90
envelopes 42
envelopes print
incorrectly 94
faded 92
from computer 27
from software application 27
iron-on transfers 41
labels 42
margins incorrect 99, 100
meaningless characters 97
multiple pages on one
sheet 39
nothing happens 97
on photo paper 35
photos from memory
card 48
posters 43
preview 32
print options 28, 32
quality, troubleshoot 88, 89,
reverse images 41
reversed page order 99
self-test report 58
special print jobs 34
specifications 138
transparencies 41
troubleshooting 94
vertical streaks 93
Web pages 43
print cartridge protector 60
print cartridges
align 61, 125
check ink levels 59
clean 62