HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 112

Table 19 RAID Manager error codes for Continuous Access Journal (continued)
Error content
Error code (SSB2)
Error code (SSB1)
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate was rejected because the consistency group
number is wrong.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate was rejected because the path is not set
between the systems.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate on the Cnt Ac-J intermediate volume was
rejected because either Cnt Ac-J Z or Cnt Ac-S Z was not installed.
The settings of the journal option could not be updated.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate or Pairresync was rejected because the
system configuration does not allow these operations.
The command was rejected because no journal was registered.
A request of Cnt Ac-J pair status transition was rejected because the status
for the request could not be transited. (ex. Status transition other than SMPL
when the Paircreate was requested, or other than PSUS when the Pairresync
was requested.)
A request of Cnt Ac-J Pair status transition was rejected because the pair
was in the state of Suspending or Deleting.
Cnt Ac-J pair status cannot be transited during the power-on processing.
Cnt Ac-J pair status cannot be transited during the power-off processing.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Pairresync (journal resync mode) was rejected because
the specification was volume instead of group.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate was rejected because the CLPR number of
the specified volume differed from the CLPR number of the journal.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate was rejected because the specified volume
belongs to the journal that is contained in the Cnt Ac-J-Continuous Access
Synchronous combination (2DC) configuration in the intermediate site.
An operation request for the journal, which was used in the system that
consists of single primary and secondary system, was rejected because the
specified volume is defined to be used in the system that consists of multiple
primary and secondary systems.
An operation request for the journal, which was used in the system that
consists of multiple primary and secondary systems, was rejected because
the specified volume is defined to be used in the system that consists of
single primary and secondary system.
The specified consistency group number is already used.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate was rejected because the path between
the storage devices for the both-way was not defined. Check whether the
bidirectional normal path was defined or not.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate was received. However, the pair could not
be created because the serial number of secondary system which was
specified was incorrect.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate was rejected because the specified volume
was different from the LDKC of the specified journal. A pair in the same
journal cannot be set across two LDKCs.
A request of Cnt Ac-J Paircreate was rejected because the specified journal
was unregistered.
Journal volume is not registered in the specified journal.