HP Designjet T3500 Production eMFP User Manual
Page 277

Network settings 48
network troubleshooting 37
link speed 43
protocols 39
security settings 42
on hold for paper
accessories 177
ink cartridges 174
paper 174
printhead 174
overlapping lines 81
overnight printing 87
page size 77
PANTONE emulation 109
advance 68
calibrate the paper advance 193
cannot load 180
displaying information 66
download presets 65
economical use of 84
feed and cut 68
incorrect out of paper 189
jam in platen 184
jam in stacker 188
loading error messages 180
maintenance 66
movement 66
not cut well 189
not flat 199
output problems in basket 189
paper not in list 181
presets 65
print on loaded paper 79, 182
printed on wrong paper 182
retained by printer 189
roll loose on spindle 189
select type 79
size 77
sizes (max and min) 258
stacker unexpectedly full 189
view information 65
paper mismatch action 27
paper not in list 181
paper suitability 27
paper types 174
PDF clipped 206
PDF missing objects 206
Photoshop, print from 124
physical specifications 259
ports 8
PostScript upgrade 178
on/off 12
power specifications 260
preferences, Windows driver 32
preview a print 81
print by email 75
print from
Embedded Web Server 73
HP Utility 73
printer driver 75
USB flash drive 72
print job
nesting 85
print preview 81
print quality
select 76
print-quality problems
banding 194
black ink comes off 201
blurred lines 198
bottom of print 202
discontinuous lines 197
edges darker than expected 202
edges stepped or not sharp 202
general 192
graininess 199
horizontal lines 194
inaccurate line lengths 198
ink marks 200
line thickness 195
misaligned colors 196
paper not flat 199
scratching 200
scuffing 200
stepped lines 196
vertical bands of different
colors 202
printer does not print 243
printer email address, change 50
printer models 4
printer security 50
printer software 11
Mac OS X uninstall 17
Windows uninstall 16
printer status 158
printer will not start 243
printer's main components 6
printer's main features 5
about 148
align 240
cannot insert 239
clean; purge 240
insert 153
order 174
remove 149
replace, reseat 239
specification 258
status 148
status messages 241
printhead cleaner
specification 258
printing 71
printing resolutions 258
Proactive Support 254
protect a roll 87
protocols, network 39
Proxy Server settings 42
quality, high 82
rear view 7
remote printing
set preferences 21
rendering intent 112
rescale a print 80
retrieval time
change 67
roll paper
load 56
spindle load 53
unload 59
roll protection 87
roll switching options 28
safe mode 148
Index 267