Displaying controller information – HP Netserver L Server series User Manual

Page 107

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Chapter 5




Right-clicking the mouse on a Logical Drive highlights its
associated physical drives.

Displaying Controller Information

The Display Controller Information window is accessed from the Administration
menu. You may also use its icon, as shown in Figure 5-6:

Figure 5-6. Selecting Display Controller Information

The following information is displayed in the Controller Information window:

The controller model of this controller

If an Intelligent BBU (Battery Backup Unit) is installed (N/A for not
supported on the current controller)

The firmware and BIOS versions residing on the controller

The cache size and Flash ROM size

If the controller is part of a dual active (fault tolerant) pair

The number of ports on this controller

The bus width (for data transfers) and bus speed (MB/sec)

The bus type (SCSI, Fibre) and number of channels on the controller

The number of physical devices installed and the maximum number of
physical devices this controller can hold