Enabling mpxio, Verifying the mpxio configuration, Verifying the number of paths – HP 3000 Enterprise Virtual Array User Manual
Page 120: 120 verifying the mpxio configuration

2. c4t600508B400107271000060000C540000d0 hd 128 sec 128>/scsi_vhci/ssd@g600508b400107271000060000c Enabling MPxIO To enable MPxIO for HP storage devices, the appropriate information for must be added in the /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf file. To enable MPxIO for HP: 1. Use a text editor to change the configuration file. For example: # vi /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf 2. Add the following lines to cover the 4x00/6x00/8x00 HP arrays: NOTE: You must enter six spaces after ”HP,” as shown. device-type-scsi-options-list = “HP HSV“, “symmetric-option“; symmetric-option = 0x1000000; 3. To activate the changes, run a reconfiguration reboot: # reboot -- -r Verifying the MPxIO configuration To verify that MPxIO is enabled, execute the following commands: • mpathadm list lu • mpathadm show lu IMPORTANT: LUN 0 must not be presented to the iSCSI Initiator. Failure to do so may result in a system panic when , page 117, or the EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option release notes for the procedure to remove LUN 0 from the initiator. Verifying the number of paths To verify the number of paths, execute the mpathadm list lu command: # mpathadm list lu /dev/rdsk/c4t600508B400107271000060000C4A0000d0s2 Total Path Count: 4 Operational Path Count: 4 /dev/rdsk/c4t600508B400107271000060000C540000d0s2 Setting up the iSCSI Initiator for multipathing 120
the mpathadm command is invoked. See