HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 95

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External volume’s capacity.




CLPR used for accessing to the mapped external volume.


Displays operation mode of the external path.

Path Mode

Single: Ordinarily, external paths that are set from only one port are
used even if alternate paths are set, In Single mode, alternate paths are
operated only in case of maintenance work failure.

Multi: When alternate paths are set, external paths from several ports
are simultaneously used with load balancing.

APLB: When alternate paths are set, external paths from several ports
are simultaneously used with load balancing. External paths connected
to ports in Passive status are not used.

Displays I/O load balance system for external storage system.

Load Balance Mode

Normal Round-robin: Performs load balance in round-robin system.

Extended Round-robin: Load balance system is automatically switched
for sequential I/O and random I/O.

Disable: Performs I/O operation with a single path, without load balance.

A hyphen (-) displays when the Path mode is Single.

External volume’s processor blade IDs.

MP Blade ID

When clicked, the Change Setting dialog box opens.

Change Settings

When clicked, removes external volumes from the Selected External Volumes


When clicked, opens the Change SSIDs dialog box.

Edit SSIDs*

When clicked, opens the View External LUN Properties dialog box.

Path Detail*

When clicked, opens the Select LDEV window.

Next Task Option

* Appears when you click More Actions.

Add External Volumes wizard