HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Standard c++ library user guide and tutorial

©Copyright 1996 Rogue Wave Software
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Standard C++ Library User Guide and
Welcome to the Standard C++ Library User Guide and Tutorial.
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Comprehensive Table of Contents
showing all chapters, first- and second-level headings, or click on one of the chapter names
below to go directly to that chapter. Each chapter begins with a chapter-level table of contents.
Chapter 3: Functions and Predicates
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Standard C++ Library User Guide and Tutorial
- Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Iterators
- Chapter 3: Functions and Predicates
- Chapter 4: Container Classes
- Chapter 5: vector and vector bool
- Chapter 6: list
- Chapter 7: deque
- Chapter 8: set, multiset, and bitset
- Chapter 9: map and multimap
- Chapter 10: stack and queue
- Chapter 11: priority_queue
- Chapter 12: String
- Chapter 13: Generic Algorithms
- Chapter 14: Ordered Collection Algorithms
- Chapter 15: Using Allocators
- Chapter 16: Building Containers & Generic Algorithms
- Chapter 17: The Traits Parameter
- Chapter 18: Exception Handling
- Chapter 19: auto_ptr
- Chapter 20: Complex
- Chapter 21: Numeric Limits
- Chapter 22: Glossary
- Rogue Wave Licensing Statement