HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 153

Storage pool entry status is “Presentation Completed with Errors – Inoperable” or “Presentation
Completed – Inoperable”
After creating a storage pool entry from an array imported into SPM, the status of the storage pool
entry on the Matrix OE visualization Manage Storage Pool screen is “Presentation Completed with
Errors Inoperable” or “Presentation Completed Inoperable”.
When the array was imported into SPM, a security group other than the Matrix Security Group was
selected on the Array Properties screen.
Possible cause
The storage administrator or an administrator with permissions to use SPM should perform the
following steps.
Start SPM by pointing a browser to
, where “localhost” is the name of
the CMS.
Right click on an array and select Change Security Group.
Select the Matrix Security Group.
In Matrix OE, refresh storage pool entries on the Tools
→Logical Servers→Refresh or
→Logical Server Storage Pools screen.
The status of the inoperable storage pool entry will change to “Presentation Completed – Available”.
Auto-provisioning storage fails with “No matching storage found” error
Matrix OE logical server management requests storage from Storage Provisioning Manager that
matches the requirements in the IO template. In certain environments, auto provisioning does not
succeed and the error “No matching storage found” is displayed.
For non-redundant storage requests in IO:
Possible cause
Matrix OE logical server management picks a fabric, and asks SPM if there is any storage on that
fabric that matches that requirements defined by the IO architect. If that fabric does not return any
matching storage, logical server management tries the next fabric in the list until it finds storage or
has exhausted all of the fabrics. If it has exhausted all of the fabrics without finding matching storage,
auto-provisioning fails.
Once a fabric is used for the first volume, all other volumes within that same storage pool entry
must be found on the same fabric, or auto-provisioning fails.
For redundant storage requests in IO:
Because the combination of fabrics to try can be a large number, logical server management limits
the combinations by only picking pairs of fabrics that are associated with natural pairings of
connection bays. For example, in an enclosure, bays 3 and 4 are a natural pairing, as are 5 and
6, and 7 and 8. A non-natural pair of fabrics is tried only if there are only two fabrics in the VC
Domain Group.
Once a pair of fabrics is used for the first volume, all other volumes within the same storage pool
entry must be found on the same pair of fabrics, or auto-provisioning fails.
Use the Matrix OE visualization logical server management Modify
→Logical Server Storage Pools
screen to manually configure storage.
Logical servers are inoperable if they are associated with guests that use SLVM file-based storage
After starting an HP Integrity VM Host, logical servers are inoperable if they are associated with
guests that use SLVM file-based storage.
HP Integrity guests can use SLVM storage, referred to as file-based storage in Matrix OE logical
server management. These volumes are created in HP-UX LVM volume groups. By default, the volume
Possible cause
Service creation