Servers “disappear” from server pools, Create request fails for published template, Designer operations – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 174

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To display physical servers:


In the Systems Insight Manager Matrix OE menu, select Tools

→Logical Servers→Refresh or wait

60 minutes (default; is configurable) for logical server management's auto-discovery.


In the infrastructure orchestration console Servers tab, click the circling green arrows icon (to
the left of: Click to refresh server resources).

Servers “disappear” from server pools

Servers “disappear” from server pools.


Communication problem with one of infrastructure orchestration inventory providers (logical server
management or virtual machine management), or a provider service is stopped.

Possible cause

Matrix infrastructure orchestration periodically retrieves servers (blades and virtual machine hosts)
in the managed environment to update the resources that are listed in the infrastructure orchestration


server pools. The default polling interval is 60 minutes. When a resource does not appear in the
inventory for two polling intervals, infrastructure orchestration removes the resource from the server
pool. The assumption is that the resources have been removed from the managed environment and
so should be removed from the infrastructure orchestration server pool.

Restore the communication or restart the provider service. Then refresh Matrix OE by using Systems
Insight Manager, Tools

→Logical Servers→Refresh. Select Refresh of Virtual Connect Resources or

Refresh of Virtual Machine Resources as appropriate.

Alternatively, change the number of polling intervals before a server is removed by changing the
value of the server.keep.alive.rounds property in ..\Program Files\HP\Matrix
infrastructure orchestration\conf\


Create Request fails for published template

Create Request fails for my Published template.


Resources are unavailable. When a template is published, it is validated by infrastructure
orchestration designer. However, if after publishing, resources are removed from the system (software,

Possible cause

networks) the template might become invalid due to lack of resources. The template then cannot be
discovered by infrastructure orchestration until it is revalidated, and saved in infrastructure
orchestration designer.

After changing an environment configuration, revalidate any affected templates.


Designer operations

After period of inactivity, the template appears available to edit, until saving the
template is attempted

After period of inactivity, the template appears available to edit, until saving the template is


The infrastructure orchestration designer session service has expired.

Possible cause

Matrix OE infrastructure orchestration designer logs you out, but preserves the changes. To save
the template, login, recover the modifications, and then save the template.


A virtual IP address can be assigned only to the first network connected to the server

A virtual IP address can be assigned only to the first network connected to the server group.


The infrastructure orchestration designer enables the definition of virtual IP addresses for a server
group. If multiple networks are connected to the group, infrastructure orchestration only allows

Possible cause

