HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 114

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Log into the infrastructure orchestration self service portal using an account that is a member
of the HPIO_Users group, or log into the infrastructure orchestration console.


Select the Templates tab to see the available published templates.


Select a template.


Click Create Service.


In Hostname Completion, enter a completion string.


Click Options. On the expanded Create Service From Template dialog, specify the Service
Name, and set or enter other desired options. The service name is used by users, administrators,
and in progress logs to identify this create service request. The service name can contain up
to 15 characters using letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), space, underscore, and hyphen.

If the template is an ESX host or cluster, the resource pool selected is the name of the cluster.
Optionally, specify a data center name. The default data center name is the service name.


Matrix infrastructure orchestration provisioning and allocation