Fatal error occurred while initializing designer – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 176

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Fatal error occurred while initializing designer

Designer error dialog message:
A fatal error occurred while initializing the Designer.


Please make sure the HP Matrix infrastructure orchestration service is

running and try again.

Occurs when launching infrastructure orchestration designer from the infrastructure orchestration
console (using the Template tab Edit buttons).

Possible cause

Launch infrastructure orchestration designer using a browser at https://:51443/hpio/designer
and open the desired template.


Some template XML hand-editing errors are not caught when importing to infrastructure
orchestration designer

Some template XML hand-editing errors, for example, Duplicate Logical Server Group boot order,
are not caught during infrastructure orchestration designer's Import of a template from XML.


The template was exported from infrastructure orchestration designer to XML, then the XML was
hand-edited with duplicate values, and finally the XML was imported back into
infrastructure orchestration designer.


Do not edit XML templates outside of infrastructure orchestration designer. Editing XML templates
outside of infrastructure orchestration designer is unsupported and undocumented. The XML schema


is not part of the public interface specification; HP may change the XML schema without notice.
Users who modify XML templates, or who create their own XML templates, do so at their own risk.
Use of an invalid template may cause provisioning failures. HP may require the user to reproduce
an issue using an unmodified, IO-generated template before offering support.

Importing a template XML file that was created in a later release of IO into a previous
release and backward compatibility

Importing a template XML file that was created in a later release of IO into a previous release of
IO displays the error: “The template is invalid and could not be read by the


IO server. The Details tab may provide more information about which part

of the template XML is invalid.”

For IO templates, backward compatibility is not supported. Forward compatibility is supported.


Create and publish templates at the earliest IO version to which they are targeted.


Sporadic infrastructure orchestration designer interface failures in IE6

With IE6, launching infrastructure orchestration designer from infrastructure orchestration console
can cause sporadic infrastructure orchestration designer interface failures. Matrix OE infrastructure


orchestration console in Systems Insight Manager displays the following message: “The HP
Matrix infrastructure orchestration tool cannot be displayed.”

Possible cause

In Systems Insight Manager, select Tools

→infrastructure orchestration to return the infrastructure

orchestration console to its normal display.


