HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 47
SPM has the concept of unmanaged arrays. Any pre-presented SAN volume can be manually
entered into the SPM interface, creating a catalog entry which can be matched against a Storage
Pool Entry to provide logical server storage suitable for use by Insight Orchestration. A managed
array enables the ability for SPM to perform certain storage operations such as gathering property
information, changing the hostmode, or performing LUN masking. Managed arrays can be used
for “Dynamic” SAN volume allocation automation. Unmanaged arrays do not support the
automated mechanism to change hostmode and LUN masking.
SPM supports two basic control paths for array management. The first option uses the SMI-S
protocol. In the 6.2 release of Virtualization Manager, EVA arrays can be managed through SMI-S.
The second option makes use of Operations Orchestration as a basic mechanism by which
additional arrays can be integrated similar to the integration for heterogeneous servers described
in the sections above.
When using SMIS-S to provide array management, you must supply the location of the SMI-S
provider, for instance the Command View server, through which the array is managed:
Configuring Insight Orchestration to list heterogeneous hardware