FUTEK VCal Sensor Verification User Manual
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Futek Advanced Sensor Technology – Futek VCal™Documentation
Rev. 1.8.0
©Futek Advanced Sensor Technology 2005
12. Supports calibration records with multiple ranges for reference sensors. Also allows you to manually enter test data from
a previously calibrated reference sensor.
13. Provides 3rd Order real time curve-fitting capabilities (Linearization).
14. Provides built-in, user-definable overload warnings, log reports, and recalibration date alarms.
15. Offers user customizable print outs, reports, and certificates.
16. Utilizes calibration methods that support ASTM Standards E4, E74-00a, ANSI/NCSL Z540, ISO Standards 17025, and 9001:2000, and
follows practices and procedures that are recommended by organizations such as A2LA and NVLAP.
Quality Features
1. Your stored test and calibration data is exportable to spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel for data analysis and graphing functions.
This aids in process control analysis, process and product performance analysis, and for meeting quality system statistical analysis
2. Offers features that aid in the management of reference sensors; (1) support of multi-range calibration records, (2) allows manual entry of
test data from previously calibrated reference sensors, (3) provides 3rd Order, real-time polynomial linearization of reference sensors.
3. Offers built-in, user-definable overload warnings and log reports which aid in the documentation and control of nonconforming products
and built-in, user-definable recalibration alarms which aid in the control of planned calibration interval programs for reference sensors.
4. Utilizes methods, and provides tools for support of the following Quality Standards; ASTM E4 and E74, ANSI/NCSL Z-540, ISO 17025 and
9001:2000. Follows practices recommended by organizations such as A2LA and NVLAP.
5. Provides a clear audit trail for Reference Sensor traceability.
1. Includes (1) 15 VDC / 2A power supply connection.
2. Includes (1) 4-terminal connector block for I/O port connections.
3. Includes (2) sensor inputs.
4. Includes (1) temperature input connection.
5. Provides (2) LEMO quick-disconnect receptacles for sensor connections that utilize mV/V outputs, and (2) screw terminal connector
blocks for sensors that utilize amplified outputs.
6. Includes (1) 4-terminal connector block for external Shunt resistor connections.
7. Includes (1) USB connection.
Service Agreement
The Service Agreement includes; software upgrades and support, on-line data management access, VCal™ annual NIST traceable calibration
and system check, data transfer and storage on VCal™ Server at Futek Advanced Sensor Technology, and a membership to the VCal™ User
Group. Please contact Futek Advanced Sensor Technology for more information and details.