FUTEK VCal Sensor Verification User Manual
Page 24

Futek Advanced Sensor Technology – Futek VCal™Documentation
Rev. 1.8.0
©Futek Advanced Sensor Technology 2005
Setup Reference System -
This option allows you to enter and setup Reference Sensor Information and Records, and to
calibrate your Reference Sensors. When you click the Reference Sensor button, it brings up the following Reference Sensor screen . . .
Reference Sensor Options -
First off, there is a row of command buttons near the top left corner of the screen that should be familiar to anyone familiar with Windows. . .
Clear -
This option allows you to
currently loaded Reference Calibration information.
Open -
This option allows you to manage your saved Reference Cell records by providing you the options to
Load, Delete,
any saved Reference Cell record
This option allows you to
the currently loaded Reference record (If there are existing records under the same serial number
you are asked if you wish to
Create a New Record
Write Over the Existing Record
, or
the Save action)…