Optical surveying, Instrument setup, Station setup on a known point – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.4 User Manual

Page 46

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5. Optical Surveying

What you have done already:

• You have set up the optical instrument on a tripod over a point of your

choice and measured the instrument height.

• You have selected

Optical from the instrument icon located on the Home

screen or Main Menu.

• You have activated the instrument for use with Survey Pro. See Optical

Mode - Connecting Survey Pro to an Optical Instrument on page 24.

• You have configured the proper settings in the

Job > Settings > Surveying tab.

This tab allows you to configure:

Earth Curvature & Refraction correction: To adjust measured zenith angles
for the effects of earth curvature and refraction.

PPM: To adjust the measured slope distances for the atmospheric effects
on the EDM.

Survey with True Azimuths: Automatically sets the Circle on the
instrument to match the BS Azimuth that is set when pointed at the

What you should do now: You have to position and orient the total station in
your local coordinate system before you start measuring points. This can be
done using one of the methods below, by choosing whichever is most

Known Point: Station setup on a point with known coordinates.

Unknown Point /Resection: Station setup on an unknown point using the
resection method to determine the position of the point.

Use Last Setup: This method is made available only after a station has been
set up in the current job. Use it only if you are certain the tripod is still
exactly at the same location as when the last setup was performed, and the
same BS and Circle are being used.

The first two methods are described below. The point or points used should
have previously been stored in or imported into the job.

Instrument Setup

Station Setup on a Known Point

The name and coordinates of the known point where the station is set up can
be picked from within the open job. This method offers three different

BS Azimuth [1]: Backsight azimuth. The station location will be set from the
coordinates of the known point. The backsight azimuth will be the value you
enter in the

BS Azimuth field.

Typically, this is an “assumed” backsight and the value will be 0 or North.
The backsight circle orientation will be set to 0°00’00” automatically.