Raw data viewer, Raw data viewer toolbox – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v5.4 User Manual

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Raw Data Viewer

The Raw Data Viewer lists every action performed in the current job since it
was created. The reported actions are always listed from the oldest (top of the
list) to the most recent one (bottom of the list).

By default, each action is represented in one line but you can extend the line
by tapping on the “+” sign to read more details on this action. Conversely, you
can collapse the line by tapping the “-” sign

When you open the Raw Data Viewer from

Job > View/Edit Raw Data, the last

action will be highlighted. If you access the Raw Data Viewer while you are
editing a point (i.e. by tapping

View Raw on the Derivation tab), the viewer will

spot the action the point originates from (manual entry, measured point,
imported point, etc.).

Raw Data Viewer Toolbox

The Raw Data Viewer is fitted with a toolbox that you can use as explained




Takes you to the first action logged in the job.

Takes you to the last action logged in the job.

Takes you back to the previous action you highlighted in the list of actions.

Valid only after you have used the left-arrow button just above. Allows you to scroll back
through the different actions you went through previously with the left-arrow button.

Opens the “Find Point” function where you can define a search criterion (point name).

Valid only after the Find Point function has been set. Takes you to the next occurrence
of the point name in the list.

Allows you to add a note as a new entry at the bottom of the list of actions. Adding a
note in this case is done in the same way as when adding one for a point.

Instantly adds the current date & time in a new line at the bottom of the list of actions.