Yokogawa IR400 User Manual

Page 45

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IM 11G02N01-01E




To close the manual zero calibration setting or to

cancel this mode midway, press the ESC key.

A previous screen will return.

To close the setting


When setting all components to “each”:

A single cursor will appear.

Manual Calibration screen

When setting all components to “at once”:

Cursors will appear at all components
where “at once” is set.

End of

Manual Zero Calibration Setting

Whether “each” or “at once” can be determined for each Ch (component).

•Setting “each”
Select the Ch (component) on the manual zero calibration screen and then perform
zero calibration.
•Setting “at once”
At a manual zero calibration, zero of Ch (components) for which “at once” was selected can
simultaneously be calibrated.
* When the cylinder air or atmospheric air is used for the zero gas, select “At once.”


(5) In the “Manual ZERO Calibration

Selection” screen that appears, select “at

once” or “each” by pressing the


key. When selecting “at once”, the

Ch (components) to be set can be zero-

calibrated at the same time. When

selecting “each”, either of the Ch (com-

ponents) to be selected is zero-calibrated.

After setting, press the

