Install and wire, Series sd31 controller dimensions, Series sd31 — wiring connectors – Watlow Series SD31 PID with Optional Countdown Timer User Manual

Page 6

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Caution: Follow the installa-
tion procedure exactly to
guarantee a proper IP65/NE-
MA 4X seal. Make sure the
gasket between the panel
and the rim of the case is not
twisted and is seated proper-
ly. Failure to do so could re-
sult in damage to equipment.

Note: Contact your local Green-
lee supplier for the appropriate
punch kit and cutout tools re-
quired for rapid mounting.

To remove spring clamp con-
nector, pull straight back.

To remove screw clamp con-
nector, pull straight up.

Spring clamp wiring connec-
tor note:
To insert the wire, push the
wire into the desired connec-
tion number, and it should
automatically lock into place.
To remove the wire, press
and hold the orange release
tab with a small screwdriver.
Pull the wire out of the con-
nection. Solid or tinned wire

Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D 3 1


C h a p t e r 2 I n s t a l l a n d W i r e

Install and Wire


Series SD31 Controller Dimensions

100.9 mm

(3.98 in)


Tabs with Teeth

Model Number

Customer Front Panel

0.48 mm (0.019 in) maximum gap between

controller front and customer front panel

8.6 mm
(0.34 in)




Figure 4a — Dimensions

30.7 mm

(1.21 in)

53.6 mm

(2.11 in)

12.7 mm

(0.50 in)


45.0 to 45.6 mm
(1.77 to 1.79 in)

Panel Cutout

Panel Thickness

1.5 to 9.5 mm

(0.060 to 0.375 in)

22.2 to 22.5 mm
(0.87 to 0.89 in)

12.7 mm

(0.50 in)




47.2 mm

(1.86 in)

29.3 mm

(1.15 in)

Figure 4c — SD31 with other
than a Universal Process Output
installed for output 1
(S D 3 1 - _ (C,K or J) _ _ - _ _
_ _).

Figure 4b — SD31 with a Uni-
versal Process Output installed
for output 1
(S D 3 1 - _ F _ _ - _ _ _ _).

1 2 3 4 5 6

8 9 1011

1 2 3 4

8 9 10 11

5 6 7

Series SD31 — Wiring Connectors

NOTE: The SD31 model number determines which con-
nector diagram applies to your unit.

Screw clamp

Spring clamp