Overview, Features and benefits – Watlow Series SD31 PID with Optional Countdown Timer User Manual

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D 3 1


C h a p t e r 1 O v e r v i e w

The Watlow Series SD31 PID, is a microprocessor-

based temperature controller available in the 1/32 DIN
panel mount size. The Series SD31 has a single, uni-
versal input that accepts various thermocouples, RTDs
(resistive temperature devices) or process inputs. (See
the Specifications in the Appendix for further details).

The Series SD31 PID controller offers up to two

outputs. Outputs can be configured as heat, cool, timer,
retransmit, alarm or off (deactivated). The control out-
puts can be independently configured for PID or On-
Off control. PID settings include proportional band, re-
set (or integral) and rate (or derivative).

Standard Series SD31 features include an IP65/

NEMA 4X front panel rating; CE compliance, UL,
CUL, CSA and NSF agency approvals: single, four-digit
displays in red or green; autotuning for heat and cool
outputs; ramp to set point, to gradually warm up your
thermal system; and automatic/manual capability with
bumpless transfer. A low-voltage model is also avail-

Advanced features include Modbus, EIA-485 serial

communications to interface with PC software applica-
tions; and INFOSENSE™ technology that provides
low-cost, high-accuracy thermal sensing.

Other operator-friendly features include LED indi-

cators to aid in monitoring and setting up the con-
troller, as well as a calibration offset at the front panel.
The Watlow Series SD31 automatically stores all infor-
mation in non-volatile memory and provides an addi-
tional back-up for user-selected settings.

For more information on these and all other product

features, refer to the Features Chapter and the Appen-

Features and Benefits


Improves sensor accuracy by a minimum of 50%.

User Definable Menu System

Simplifies operator interface

User Definable Default Settings

Restores to user defined controller settings

Advanced Control Algorithm

Improved process control.


Operation, configuration and data logging with a
standard Windows



Up to Two Outputs

Application versatility.

Configuration flexibility.

Ramp to Set Point

Controls the rate of temperature changes.

Countdown Timer

Optional countdown timer



Control Input


Output 1

Control or Alarm

Output 2

Control, Alarm or Communications



Figure 2 — Series SD31 inputs and outputs.