Index, Index a-h – Watlow Series 988 User Manual

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WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual


Index a-h

%OUT LED 3.1
0-5VÎ (dc) process wiring

input 1 2.8
input 2 2.9
output 1 2.12
output 2 2.13

0-10VÎ (dc) process wiring

input 1 2.8
input 2 2.9
output 1 2.12
output 2 2.13

0-20mA process wiring

input 1 2.8
input 2 2.9
output 1 2.12
output 2 2.13

0-50mV (high impedance) wiring

input 1 2.8
input 2 2.9

1-5VÎ (dc) process wiring

input 1 2.8
input 2 2.9
output 1 2.12
output 2 2.13

4-20mA process wiring

input 1 2.8
input 2 2.9
output 1 2.12
output 2 2.13


access to panel back 2.2
ac output wiring

output 1 2.12
output 2 2.13
output 3 2.14
output 4 2.15

address 4.46

deviation 7.6
process 7.6
rate 7.7

alarm 2 4.23
alarm 2 high 5.5
alarm 2 low 5.4
alarm 2 side 4.23
alarm 3 4.25
alarm 3 high 5.6
alarm 3 low 5.5
alarm 3 side 4.26
alarm 4 4.28
alarm 4 high 5.7
alarm 4 low 5.6
alarm 4 side 4.29
alarm display, masked 7.6
alarm high 5.2
alarm jumper, changing 7.5
alarm low 5.2
alarm reset 8.8
alarms 7.5 - 7.7
alarms, latching 7.7
alarms, non-latching 7.7
alarm silencing 7.7
algorithm 4.38
ambient temperature 6.3
analog output 4.31
annunciator 4.41, A.2
Auto/Manual key 3.1, 7.4
Auto/Manual LED 3.1, 7.4
auto/manual operation 7.4, 8.8
automatic operation 7.4
auto-tune 5.7
auto-tune set point 4.42
auto-tuning 7.1


baud rate 4.45, 8.4
brackets 2.1 - 2.3
bumpless transfer 4.35, 7.4
burst fire 8.1 - 8.3, A.2


calibration curve, RTD 2 4.14
calibration manual ii
Calibration Menu 6.13 - 6.14

lockout 6.6

calibration offset A.2
calibration offset 1 4.6
calibration offset 2 4.14
calibration offset adjustment 7.3
cascade control A.2
cascade action 4.37
cautions iii
Celsius 4.35
clearing error codes 7.10
closed loop A.2
cold junction A.2
communications 8.4 - 8.5
Communications Menu 4.44 - 4.48, 8.4

lockout 6.6

compression molding press 8.11
consumer feedback iii
controller chassis, removing 1.1, 7.5
controlling output action 8.8
control outputs off 8.8
control type 4.36
crossover process value 4.39
crossover set point value 4.39
current 8.10
current transformer 8.11, A.2
current transformer input 2.10
current transformer wiring 2.10
cycle time

output 1 5.13
output 2 5.16

cycle time adjustment 7.3


data bits & parity 4.45, 8.4
data communications ii, 2.15, 4.1, 8.4
Data Communications with the Watlow

Series 988 Family of Controllers ii,
2.15, 4.1, 4.44

date 6.3
dead band 5.16, 8.6 - 8.7

sample application 8.7

decimal 1 4.4
decimal 2 4.11
decimal point, location of 4.3, 4.35
Declaration of Conformity A.12
default 6.14, A.2
derivative A.2

output 1 5.12
output 2 5.15

deviation alarm 7.6
device address 8.4
DEV LED (set point deviation) 3.1
Diagnostics Menu 6.7 - 6.12

lockout 6.6

digital event input options 8.8 - 8.9
digital event wiring

input 1 2.11
input 2 2.11

dimensions 2.1
DIP switch functions 1.1 - 1.4
DIP switch locations 1.1 - 1.4

DIP switch setting

input 1.2
lockout 1.4
output 1.3

display 6.11
Display Key 3.1
Display Loop 3.2
displays 3.1
documentation, maintaining ii, 6.9
Down-arrow Key 3.1
droop A.2
dual in-line package (DIP) switches 1.1 -


duty cycle A.2


environmental chamber 8.7
error code messages 7.8
error code results 7.10
error codes, clearing 7.10
error latching 4.36
event input 1 4.40
event input 1 Status 5.4
event input 1 wiring 2.11
event input 2 4.40
event input 2 status 5.4
event input 2 wiring 2.10
external signal conditioner

power supply A.2
power supply DIPs 1.3
power supply wiring

output 2 2.13
output 3 2.14
output 4 2.15


Factory Menus 6.1 - 6.14
factory ship date 6.8
failure mode 4.35
Fahrenheit 4.35
feedback iii
filter time constants 8.12 - 8.13

input 1 4.7
input 2 4.15

form A 7.5, A.2
form B 7.5, A.2
form C A.2
front panel 3.1
front panel lockout 6.3, 8.8


gas-fired furnace 8.23
Global Menu 4.34 - 4.43

lockout 6.5

Glossary A.2 - A.3
ground loops 2.4 - 2.5


heater with digital event 8.9
heater current 8.10 - 8.11
heat-treat oven 8.21
high power limit 4.42
humidity chamber 8.13
hunt 4.16, 8.22, 8.23
hunting A.2
hysteresis A.2
hysteresis 1 4.20
hysteresis 2 4.22
hysteresis 3 4.26
hysteresis 4 4.29