Write to a single register command (0x06), Write to multiple registers command (0x10), Appendix – Watlow MICRODIN User Manual

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A . 4 Wa t l o w M i c r o D I N

Example: Read register 0 (model number) of the controller at address 1.


01 03 00 00 00 01 84 0A


01 03 02 03 DC B9 2D


988 (0x03DC).

Example: Read register 1 and 2 (Process 1 and 2 values) of controller at address


05 03 00 01 00 02 94 4F


05 03 04 00 64 00 C8 FF BA


100 (0x0064) and 200 (0x00C8).

Write to a Single Register Command (0x06)

This command writes a parameter to a single register. The controller will echo
back the command. An attempt to write to a read-only parameter returns an
illegal data address error (0x02).

Packet sent to controller:| nn | 06 | nn nn | nn nn | nn nn |

∆ ∆

∆ ∆

∆ ∆

controller address (one byte)

write to a register command (0x06)

register high byte

register low byte

data high byte

data low byte

CRC low byte

CRC high byte

Example: Set register 7 (SPI) to 200 (0x00C8) on controller at address 9.


09 06 00 07 00 C8 38 D5


09 06 00 07 00 C8 38 D5

Write to Multiple Registers Command (0x10)

This command actually writes a parameter to only a single register. An attempt
to write to a read-only parameter returns an illegal data address error (0x02).
