Meet the microdin team, Total – Watlow MICRODIN User Manual
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Meet the MicroDIN Team
Front Row: Rob Hermann, board assembly; Gene Lauer, product manager; Keith Ness, engineering team leader;
Steve Lubahn, group leader; Doug Wolfe, technician; Mark Hoven, engineer. 2nd Row, Sitting behind Front Row:
Sally Kotschevar, purchasing; Lisa Voelker, technician; Carolyn Konkel, wave inspection; Mollee Smith, PACE line;
John Pham, product development engineer; Randy Haack, application engineer. Standing: Barb Lowenhagen; Dave
Zill, board assembly; Erin Benson, technician; Kathy Holzworth, production test; John Gabbert, technical documenta-
tion; Tonya Adank, surface mount; Stan Breitlow, engineering; Shirley Brown, final assembly; Jason Beyer, applica-
tion engineer; Rose Johnson, final assembly; Jamil Al-Titi, R & D; Brian Dulek, wave; Jim Brickner, Winona manage-
ment; Steve Griffiths, manufacturing engineer; Mary White, customer service planner; Dan Johnson, agency coordi-
nator; Les Stellpflug, R & D.
We stand behind our product and are committed to your total satisfaction.
Pictured below are some of the people at Watlow who have worked hard to
bring you one of the finest industrial temperature controllers available today.
Included in the photo are members of the development team, production team,
and representatives from our core manufacturing and customer service areas.
3 Year Warranty
About Watlow Controls
Watlow Controls is a division of Watlow Electric Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Missouri,
a manufacturer of industrial electric heating products, since 1922. Watlow
begins with a full set of specifications and completes an industrial product that
is manufactured totally in-house, in the U.S.A. Watlow products include elec-
tric heaters, sensors, controls and switching devices. The Winona operation has
been designing solid state electronic control devices since 1962, and has earned
the reputation as an excellent supplier to original equipment manufacturers.
These OEMs depend upon Watlow Controls to provide compatibly engineered
controls which they can incorporate into their products with confidence.
Watlow Controls resides in a 100,000 square foot marketing, engineering and
manufacturing facility in Winona, Minnesota.
i i W a t l o w M i c r o D I N