5 edit ready event states, 5 edit ready event states -49 – Watlow 12LS Controller User Manual
Page 82
ENTER Store new ready state setpoint. Display will advance to Edit Ready Event
BACK Return to SETUP R/S PROFILE? prompt.
NO Skip edit. Leave ready setpoint as it is. Display will advance to Edit Ready
Event States.
BACK Return to the SETUP R/S PROFILE? prompt.
This menu allows setting of default states for all possible 9 event outputs. These will be the output
states whenever the loop is in the (S)TART state. The default for all outputs is OFF.
Display: ¦ x READY SEGMENT¦
The ? is flashing.
x is the profile designator [A-L].
YES Edit default output states.
Lower display DOxx?yyy
The ? is flashing.
xx is an event output number [1-9].
yyy is output state, OFF or ON.
YES Edit state of output selected.
Lower display DOxx=yyy
UP/DOWN Toggles state to ON or OFF.
ENTER Sets selected output ready state
to ON or OFF. Display advances
to next output.
BACK Quit editing. Return to READY
EVENTS? prompt.
NO Select next output.
BACK Quit editing. Return to READY
EVENTS? prompt.
NO Skip ready event editing. Display
advances to Edit Segment