Watlow 12LS Controller User Manual
Page 33
ANAFAZE 12LS connections for a single unit are as follows:
Black Box 12LS
LD485A TB 1
TXA ---------------------------------------- RX+ #25 ---||
¦¦ 200
TXB ---------------------------------------- RX- #23 ---||
RXA ---------------------------------------- TX+ #26
RXB ---------------------------------------- TX- #24
Shield ----- Earth Ground ------- Shield Do not Ground
¦ NOTE: Connect the shields to EARTH ground only at ¦
¦the computer or other 485 interface. No shield ¦
¦connection is required at the 12LS. Connect a 200_ ¦
¦ terminating resistor between RX- and RX+ at the 12LS¦
For multiple units connect the system in parallel as follows:
Black Box 12LS 12LS
LD485A [1] [n]
TXA --------------- RX+ #25 ------------------ RX+ #25 ---||
¦¦ 200
TXB --------------- RX- #23 ------------------ RX- #23 ---||
RXA --------------- TX+ #26 ------------------ TX+ #26
RXB --------------- TX- #24 ------------------ TX- #24
Ground -----------O---------O---------------- Do not Ground