0 front panel operation and displays, 0 front panel operation and displays -1 – Watlow 12LS Controller User Manual

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The 12LS front panel provides the operator interface for the controller. The 12LS may be fully
programmed and operated by using the eight keys on the front panel.

The 32 character display shows process information and setup displays. The 12LS will power up
with the BAR GRAPH display being shown. Press the BACK key to get to the SINGLE LOOP
display. Refer to section 4.2 for more detailed information on these and other system displays.

¦ On power-up the 12LS checks its memory for valid ¦
¦data. If an error is detected the message BATTERY ¦
¦ DEAD is displayed and default values are assumed. ¦
¦ Press ANY key to clear the message. Be sure to enter¦
¦ valid system data before continuing. Consult ANAFAZE¦
¦ about battery replacement. ¦
¦ This message may also appear if the internal PROM ¦
¦ has been changed or the unit has been disassembled. ¦


It is recommended that upon changing the PROM, that the RAM memory be cleared.

To clear the battery backed RAM and to re-initialize the factory default values into the RAM,
PRESS THE NO KEY while turning on the power to the 12LS. Never press the NO key upon
power up unless it is necessary to clear the RAM memory as this will replace all customer entered
values with the factory default values.

The RAMP SOAK key is used only if the optional RAMP/SOAK package is included in the
controller. Information pertaining to programming and operation of ramp and soak profiles is
included in Chapter 7 - RAMP AND SOAK OPTION.

The ANAFAZE 12LS displays operate in a sequence that is shown on the following flow chart,
Figure 4-1. Main menu headings are shown in outlined boxes while the sub-menus under each
main heading are listed below it.