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Section 4: User Operations



51278 Rev. 2

B. Record view mode, continued


1. Clear scale weighing pan. Make sure the weight is 0. If weight is not 0, use

zero key to reset.

2. Press

key to set Piece Weight as 0.5 pounds.

3. Put 1 pound item on the scale weighing pan and wait for a stable weight.

4. Press

key. A beep soundwill occur and

is illuminated.

5. Remove item on scale weighing pan. Make sure the weight is 0 again.

6. Press

key to set Piece Weight as 0.1 pounds.

7. Put 2 pounds item on scale weighing pan and wait for a stable weight.

8. Press

key. A beep sound will occur and

is illuminated.

9. Press

key to into total mode again.

10. Press

key again to access the record view mode.

11. Press

key to switch to the second record.

12. Because the second is the last record. Press

key to return to the total


13. Press

key to into record view mode again.

14. Press

to return to normal weigh mode. The ACC data is still in memory,


is illuminated.

15. Press

key twice to access the record view again.

16. Press

key to clear the first record. The display will show the next

record. (The first is removed. The second replaces first one. The number

above ACC remains at 1.)

17. Press

key to clear again. The record is not stored. The scale returns to

the normal weighing mode.