FEC AFC1200 User Manual
Page 44

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EACh spindle has 32 possible fastening steps which are designated stage 01 thru Stage 32.
EACh stage requires two preset items; one for the FUNCTION [FUN] of the stage and one for
the action or DATA [DAT] of each stage. Depressing the [
] key toggles the data entry
method between the insert (INS) and replacement (REP) mode. The [DEL] key will delete the
selected stage and shift all remaining stages left.
WHEn all the spindle designations have been preset, the cursor will remain at the
heading last changed. MOve the cursor using the
keys to the Stage 01
heading. THe area below the heading will be highlighted in either a blank state or
with data entered. IN order to enter data, depress the
key and the FUNCTION
[FUN] set pulldown window will appear with the cursor flashing below the first set digit.
SElect the desired function from the 23 items shown by using the numerical keys and
depress the
key. THE abbreviated function will appear in the [FUN] column and
the DATA [DAT] pulldown window will appear.
FIG. 7-5-4-1 set sequence, sequence setup (function)
THEre are two data pulldown windows for setting the action of each function.
Functions 01 thru 10 use three actions for individual or simultaneous fastening; EACH
[ECH], GROUP [GRP], or HEAD [HED]. FUnctions 11 thru 20 require a time or
numerical designation to be set. THE cursor will be flashing under the SET NO. at
the top of the menu. USIng the numerical keys, set the desired action, time, or
numerical designation, and depress the
key. THe screen will change to display
the selected FUNCTION [FUN] and DATA [DAT] set for the particular stage selected.
Chapter 7: System Operation
Page 7-44