FEC AFC1200 User Manual
Page 2

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AT initial power on, the AFC1200 System performs a series of self-checks which requires
approximately 30 seconds to complete. DURINg this time, the following events take place:
1. THe AFC1200 ISA MAIn Controller UNIT performs a Power On Self-Test (POST).
2. THe AFC1200 ISA MAIN UNIT loads the operational program from EPROM.
3. COmmunication is established between the ISA MAIN CONTROLler UNIT and connected
AXIS Controller UNIT(s).
4. PReset data is downloaded from the ISA Main Unit EEPROM to the connected AXIS
5. THe compatibility of connected tool/servo amplifier pairs is evaluated.
6. The connected tools and servo amplifiers are checked for any apparent defects.
7. THE System displays the AFC1200 "SYSTEM INITIALIZING" screen along with the
software version number until the initialization is complete.
8. THe System enters the [FASTENING DATA] screen prepared to display data or any
error message related to the System initialization.
9. UPon successful completion of the SYstem initialization, three options are available:
A. continue machine operation as configured. (Normal operation Section 7.0.1)
b. manually configure the System preset data. (Initial operation Section 7.0.2)
c. load system preset data from disk. (Back-up operation Section 7.0.3)
Chapter 7: System Operation
Page 7-2